Introduction Post
Meet the Mods Post
Friending Meme
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The Fandom Snowflake Challenge Collection at AO3 is here. Any fanwork that you create for or because of the challenge can be added.
Other places you can find us:
Pillowfort: Snowflake Challenge.
The Challenges
Challenge #1: – Introduce Yourself
Challenge #2: – Talk about your fannish history
Challenge #3: – Pimp Your Favorite Communities, Fests or Challenges
Challenge #4: – Set some goals for the coming year
Challenge #5: – Comment to someone you haven't ever interacted with before or introduce yourself to someone you've briefly interacted with and friend/follow them
Challenge #6: – Make a Wishlist
Challenge #7: – Promote/Rec/Sing the Praises of Yourself
代理http – Rec at least three fanworks that you didn’t create
Challenge #9: – Promote at least one canon that you adore (old, new, forever fandom)
Challenge #10: – Talk about a creator/someone who inspired you
Challenge #11: – Recommend a fannish or creative resource
Challenge #12: – Commit an act of kindness
代理http – Create a fanwork
Challenge #14: – Share your love for a trope, cliché, kink, motif, or theme
Challenge #15: – Create your own challenge